Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- 1984 A £2,500
- 7777 AA £2,000
- AAD 8L £350
- A881 AKA £200
- AAK 64R £300
- A99 ALB £200
- AAL 33N £300
- 249 AAN £800
- A114 ANA £200
- A128 ART £200
- 188 AB £2,200
- 1964 AB £1,500
- ABA 21H £300
- AB06 BEY £250
- ABB 48S £300
- ABB 188T £250
- ABB 45X £300
- ABN 451R £250
- ABR 115H £250
- A70 BRV £200
- ABU 10L £300
- ABU 770N £250
- ACC 7M £350
- A54 CHK £200
- ACH 15X £300
- A111 CKS £200
- A66 CLO £200
- A393 COB £200
- A90 COX £200
- ACP 12N £300
- 111 ACW £1,200
- A93 DAG £200